考研英语二写作Part B万能模板之毕业生去向统计

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一、英:The chart above shows(图表所示) the changes of college students’ different choices after graduation(毕业) during 2013 to 2018.中:图中表格所示的是2013至2018的毕业生就业去向.

二、英:The percentage(比例) of those choosing to found a job decreased(下降) from 68.1% to 60.7%.中:选择去找工作的比例下降了+数据.

三、英: On the contrary(相反的), the students who selected to pursue further study(升学) showed a significantly(明显) rising(上升) trend(趋势), from 26.3% to 34.0%.中:相反的是,选择升学的趋势明显表现为上升趋势+数据。

四、英:Although the proportion(比例) of those choosing to created own business(自主创业) up slightly with around(大约) 1.3% from 1.3% in 2013 to 2.6% in 2018。中:选择自主创业的人数上升的很少+数据。

五、英:There are some factors(因素) contributing(导致) to the above(上述) trend. 中:上述趋势的产生是因为这些

因素导致的。First of all(首先),with the faster economic development and Society advancing。中:随着经济的快速发展社会的提高+理由。

六、英:However,in the other hand.中:然而,在另一方面+理由。Students can afford the cost in education,中:学生可以承担教育的费用。

七、英:Last and not least,no matter what they choose, This trend will continue to the next year。中:最终不管他们的选择是怎么样的,明年这个趋势还会继续持续。


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