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①In 1944 Congress passed the “GI bill of Rights.” (“GI” at the time, was a nickname for the American soldier.) 1944年,国会经由过程了《退伍甲士权力法案》。(GI在那时是美国兵士的昵称。)②Life for war veterans* was difficult, but theses veterans believed that a college degree (which they could not afford on their own) would improve their chances for a good job in the postwar economy. 退伍甲士的糊口是艰巨的,但这些退伍甲士信赖,一个大学学位(他们本身包袱不起)会增长他们在战后经济中找到一份好事情的机遇。③Some went to liberal arts colleges; others to technical and professional institutions. 有些人去了人文学院;其他去了技能和职业机构。 ④Their outstanding success in all these schools forced everyone connected with higher education to rethink its purpose and goals. 他们在所有这些黉舍的精采成绩迫使每一个与高档教诲有关的人从新思虑高档教诲的目标和方针。

⑤In postwar America, other groups sought their place on America’s campuses, too. 在战后的美国,其他群体也在校园里寻觅本身的位置。⑥The enrollment of women in higher education began to increase. 女性在高档教诲中的注册起头增长。⑦By the end of 1960s, some colleges introduced special plans and programs to equalize educational opportunities – at every level, for all groups – some of these plans were called “Affirmative action programs.” 到20世纪60年月末,一些大学引入了特别的规划和项目来实现教诲机遇的同等 —— 在各个条理,对所有群体 —— 此中一些规划被称为“援助性举措规划”。⑧By the 1970s, the United States government stood firmly behind such goals. 到了20世纪70年月,美国当局刚强地支撑这些方针。⑨It required colleges and universities receiving public funds to practice some form of affirmative action. 它请求接管大众资金的学院和大学施行某种情势的援助性举措。⑩But when colleges began to set quotas of minority students to be admitted, many Americans (including minority citizens) protested. 可是,当大学起头为少数族裔学生设置入学配额时,很多美国人(包含少数族裔公民)提出抗议。They felt that this was another form of discrimination. 他们认为这是另外一种情势的轻视。

As with most (but not all ) problems in American public life, the conflict was resolved by change and compromise. 正如美国大众糊口中的大大都(但不是全数)问题同样,这场冲突经由过程变化和让步得以解决。Colleges

continued to serve the goal of affirmative action – but in less controversial ways. 大学继续为援助性举措的方针办事,但以较少争议的方法。One large university, for example, announced a new policy: it would seek to admit students who would add diverse talents to the student body. 比方,一所大型大学颁布发表了一项新政策:它将追求登科那些可以或许为学生群体增长多样化人材的学生。It thus dealt with all applicants – minorities included – on a basis that was not restricted to high school performance and entrance tests, but which took into account the talents, voluntary activities and “life experience” of the student. 是以,它处置所有申请者 —— 包含少数民族 —— 所根据的不限于高中成就和入学测验,而是斟酌到学生的才能、自愿勾当和“糊口履历”。

What success did these efforts have? 这些尽力取患了哪些乐成?American college students are an increasingly diverse group. 美国大学生是一个日趋多样化的群体。


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