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The incident-and violent protests a month earlier that prompted University of California, Berkeley, officials to cancel a speech by now former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos-are causing some liberal arts schools to take a long look in the mirror: Are they really places where controversial views can be aired and debated civilly?


incident 事件

prompt 激起;促使

liberal arts 人文学科

take a long look in the mirror 仔细审视

controversial 有争议的

air 公开发表

civilly 文明地


The incident-and violent protests are causing some liberal arts schools to take a long look in the mirror.


1、a month earlier that prompted University of California, Berkeley,officials to cancel a speech by now former Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos

(这个now就是说一 个月前还是编辑,现在就是前编辑了。)

2、Are they really places where controversial views can be aired and debated civilly?




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